At Khushvika Diagnostics, we believe in providing accurate and reliable blood test services at affordable prices. Our comprehensive range of blood tests is designed to cater to all your healthcare needs, ensuring early detection and effective management of various health conditions.
Get accurate results, expert care, and affordable pricing at Khushvika Diagnostics. Your health is our priority!
1 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | 1-25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D, Serum | 3000 |
2 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | 17 Ketosteroids, 24 Hrs Urine | 3000 |
3 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | 17- Hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP)Serum | 2000 |
4 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | 17-Hydroxy Corticosteroids, 24 Hrs Urine | 3500 |
5 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | 25- Hydroxy Vitamin D, Serum | 1200 |
6 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | 5- HIAA (5-Hydroxy Indole AceticAcid), 24 Hrs Urine | 3500 |
7 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Absolute Eosinophil Count (AEC)Edta Whole Blood | 300 |
8 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Absolute Lymphocyte Count(ALC), EDTA Whole Blood | 300 |
9 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC),EDTA Whole Blood | 300 |
10 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Acetaminphen (Paracetamol) Serum | 2200 |
11 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Acetone (Ketone), Serum | 1000 |
12 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Acetone (Ketone), Sport Urine | 110 |
13 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Acetyl Cholinesterase, Blood | 2300 |
14 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Acetyl Cholineterase, Plasma | 1500 |
15 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Acetylcholine Receptior (ACHR) Antibody, Serum | 2500 |
16 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT), Sodium Cirate Plasma | 450 |
17 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Activated Protein C- Resistance (APCR), Sodium Citrate Plasma | 4600 |
18 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Adenosline Deaminase (ADA), Pericardial Fluid | 500 |
19 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Adenosline Deaminase (ADA), Pleural Fluid | 500 |
20 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Adenosline Deaminase (ADA), Serum | 500 |
21 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Adenosline Deaminase (ADA), Synovial Fluid | 500 |
22 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Adenosline Deaminase (ADA), Ascitic Fluid | 500 |
23 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Adenosline Deaminase (ADA), CSF | 500 |
24 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Adiponection, Serum | 3000 |
25 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Adrenaline (Epinephrine), 24 Hrs Urine | 3100 |
26 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Adrenaline (Epinephrine), EDTA Plasma | 3600 |
27 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH), EDTA Plasma | 1500 |
28 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Culture Automated Method | 1500 |
29 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB MDR Screen (MDRTB) | 2800 |
30 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, Ascitic Fluid | 250 |
31 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, Bronchial Wash | 250 |
32 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, CSF | 250 |
33 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, ET Secretion | 250 |
34 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, Guided Aspirate | 250 |
35 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, Pericardial Fluid | 250 |
36 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, Peritoneal Fluid | 250 |
37 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, Pleural Fluid | 250 |
38 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, Pus | 250 |
39 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, Spot Urine | 250 |
40 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, Sputum | 250 |
41 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, Sputum (3 Samples) | 700 |
42 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, Synovial Fluid | 250 |
43 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Stain, Tissue | 250 |
44 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Susceptibility (1st & 2nd Line Drugs) 10 Drugs | 10000 |
45 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB Susceptibility (1st Line) 4 Drugs | 5600 |
46 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB-Differntiation & Speciation | 3500 |
47 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | AFB-XDR Screen | 5000 |
48 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Air Sampling For Sterility Check | 210 |
49 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT), Serum | 200 |
50 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Albert Stain (KLB Diphtheria), Throat Swab | 250 |
51 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Albumin, 24 Hrs Urine | 350 |
52 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Albumin, Serum | 120 |
53 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Albumin, Spot Urine | 120 |
54 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Alcohol (Ethanol) Screen, Serum | 1500 |
55 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Alcohol (Ethanol) Screen, Spot Urine | 2000 |
56 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Aldolase, Serum | 1400 |
57 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Aldosterone, 24 Hrs Urine | 2600 |
58 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Aldosterone, Serum | 2500 |
59 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Aldosterone, Serum / Renin Activity Ratio, EDTA Plasma | 6000 |
60 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Alinolevulinic acid(ALA)Quantitative ,24 Hrs Urine | 4000 |
61 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), Serum | 200 |
62 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Alkaline Phosphatase With Bone Fraction (Ostase), Serum | 2500 |
63 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Allergen Aspergilus Fumigatus, Serum | 2000 |
64 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Allergen Individual Marker, Serum | 1500 |
65 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Allergy For Gluten, Serum | 1500 |
66 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Allergy Panel 12 Drugs, Serum | 12000 |
67 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Allergy Panel 7 Drugs, Serum | 6000 |
68 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Allergy Screening Phadiatop Adult, Serum | 2500 |
69 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Allergy Screening Phadiatop Child (<5 Years), Serum | 2500 |
70 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Alpha Feto Protein (AFP), CSF | 1200 |
71 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Alpha Feto Protein (AFP, Serum | 1200 |
72 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (AAT), Serum | 3500 |
73 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Aluminium, Dialysis Fluid | 3500 |
74 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Aluminium, EDTA Plasma | 3500 |
75 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Aluminium, Serum | 3500 |
76 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Ammonia ,EDTA Whole Blood | 1000 |
77 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Ampetamine Screen, Spot Urine | 1200 |
78 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Amphiphysin(Neuronal Antigen)Antibody,Serum | 7100 |
79 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Amylase, Fluid | 400 |
80 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Amylase, Serum | 400 |
81 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | ANA profile, Serum | 3800 |
82 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Anaerobic Culture, Blood | 1200 |
83 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | ANCA (Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies) IFA, Serum | 2300 |
84 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Androstenedione (A4), Serum | 2500 |
85 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE), Serum | 1200 |
86 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Anti Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (Anti CCP), Serum | 1600 |
87 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Anti Diuretic Hormone (ADH), Plasma | 5000 |
88 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Anti DNAseB (Antideoxyribonuclease B), Serum | 2000 |
89 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Anti Ds DNA Antibody, Serum | 1200 |
90 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH), Serum | 2750 |
91 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Anti Nuclear Antibody (ANA) , Serum | 1200 |
92 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Anti Ovarian Antibody (AOA), Serum | 4600 |
93 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Anti Sperm Antibody, Serum | 1500 |
94 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Anti Streptolysin O (ASO) Titre, Serum | 500 |
95 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Antithrombin III Activity, Sodium Citrate Plasma | 5100 |
96 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Antithrombin III Antigen, Sodium Citrate Plasma | 5100 |
97 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Apolipoprotein A1, Serum | 800 |
98 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Apolipoprotein B, Serum | 800 |
99 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Arsenic, 24 Hrs Urine | 5100 |
100 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Arsenic, EDTA Whole Blood | 5100 |
101 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Arsenic, Spot Urine | 5100 |
102 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/ SGOT), Serum | 200 |
103 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Aspergillus Antibody IgG, Serum | 2700 |
104 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Aspergillus Antibody IgM, Serum | 3000 |
105 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Autoimmune Encephalitis Panel, CSF | 21000 |
106 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Autoimmune Encephalitis Panel, Serum | 21000 |
107 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP), EDTA Plasma | 2500 |
108 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Barbiturate Screen, Spot Urine | 1200 |
109 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Bence jones Protein Qualitative, Spot Urine | 300 |
110 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Benzodiazepine Screen, Spot Urine | 1200 |
111 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgA, Serum | 1350 |
112 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgG, Serum | 1350 |
113 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgM, Serum | 1350 |
114 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Beta 2 Microglobulin, Serum | 1600 |
115 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Beta 2 Microglobulin, Urine | 2000 |
116 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Beta 2 Transferrin, Fluid | 6500 |
117 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Beta HCG Free, Serum | 1200 |
118 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Beta HCG Total, Serum | 1200 |
119 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Beta HCG Total, Spot Urine | 700 |
120 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Bicarbonate,Serum | 500 |
121 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Bile Salts And Bile Plgments Spot Urine | 200 |
122 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Bilirubin (Total, Direct & Indirect Serum) | 400 |
123 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Bilirubin Direct, Serum | 250 |
124 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Bilirubin Total, Serum | 250 |
125 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Bilirubin, Fluid | 250 |
126 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Biochemical Analysis, Ascitic Fluid | 500 |
127 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Biochemical Analysis, CSF | 500 |
128 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Biochemical Analysis, Pericardial Fluid | 500 |
129 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Biochemical Analysis, Peritoneal Fluid | 500 |
130 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Biochemical Analysis, Pleural Fluid | 500 |
131 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Biochemical Analysis, Synovial Fluid | 500 |
132 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Bismuth, 24 Hrs Urine | 6100 |
133 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Bismuth, Spot Urine | 6100 |
134 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Blood Group ABO & Rh Typing, EDTA Whole Blood | 200 |
135 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Serum | 200 |
136 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Bordetella Pertussis IgG Antibody, Serum | 3000 |
137 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Brucella Antibbody IgG, Serum | 2000 |
138 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Brucella Antibbody IgM, Serum | 2000 |
139 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | c-ANCA IFA, Serum | 1500 |
140 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | C-Peptide Fasting, Serum | 1600 |
141 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | C-Peptide Post Prandial, Serum | 1600 |
142 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | C-Peptide Random. Serum | 1600 |
143 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | C·Peptide, 24 Hrs Urine | 1600 |
144 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | C·Reactive Protein (CRP), Serum | 400 |
145 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Serum | 3600 |
146 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | C3 Complement, Serum | 900 |
147 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | C4 Complement, Serum | 900 |
148 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | CA – 125, Fluid | 1000 |
149 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | CA – 19.9. Fluid | 1100 |
150 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | CA 125, Serum | 1000 |
151 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | CA 15.3. Serum | 1100 |
152 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | CA 19.9. (Pancreatic Cancer Marker) Serum | 1100 |
153 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Ca 72.4 Gastric Cancer Marker, Serum | 3000 |
154 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cadmium, 24 Hrs Urine | 4000 |
155 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cadmium, EDTA Whole Blood | 4000 |
156 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cadmium, Spot urine | 4000 |
157 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Calcitonin, Serum | 3000 |
158 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Calcium Ionized, Serum | 300 |
159 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Calcium, 24 Hrs Urine | 400 |
160 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Calcium, Serum | 250 |
161 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Calcium, Spot Urine | 250 |
162 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Calcium/ Creatinine Ratio, Spot Urine | 600 |
163 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cannabis (Marijuana), Spot Urine | 1200 |
164 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Carbamazepine (Tegretol), Sreum | 1500 |
165 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Carcino Embryonic Antigen (CEA), Fluid | 1200 |
166 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Carcino Embryonic Antigen (CEA), Serum | 1000 |
167 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cardiolipin Antibodies Profile (IgG, IgA & IgM), Serum | 3200 |
168 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cardiolipin Antibody IgA, Serum | 1000 |
169 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cardiolipin Antibody IgG, Serum | 1200 |
170 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cardiolipin Antibody IgM, Serum | 1200 |
171 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Catecholamines, 24 Hrs Urine | 4500 |
172 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Catecholamines, EDTA Plasma | 5500 |
173 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cell Count & Cell Type, Ascitic Fluid | 400 |
174 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cell Count & Cell Type, Bronchial Wash | 400 |
175 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cell Count & Cell Type, CSF | 400 |
176 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cell Count & Cell Type, Dialysis Fluid | 400 |
177 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cell Count & Cell Type, Pericardial Fluid | 400 |
178 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cell Count & Cell Type, Pericardial Fluid | 400 |
179 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cell Count & Cell Type, Pleural Fluid | 400 |
180 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cell Count & Cell Type, Synovial Fluid | 400 |
181 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Centromere Antibody, Serum | 2500 |
182 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Ceruloplasmin(Copper Oxidase), Serum | 1500 |
183 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chalmydia Trachomatis IgA Antibody, Serum | 2000 |
184 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chalmydia Trachomatis IgG Antibody, Serum | 2000 |
185 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chalmydia Trachomatis IgM Antibody, Serum | 2000 |
186 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chikungunya Virus Antibody IgM, Serum | 1200 |
187 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chlamydia Pneumoniae IgG Antibody, Serum | 3500 |
188 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chlamydia Pneumoniae IgM Antibody, Serum | 3500 |
189 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chlamydia Pneumonige IgA Antibody, Serum | 3500 |
190 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chloride, 24 Hrs Urine | 250 |
191 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chloride, Fluid | 250 |
192 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chloride, Serum | 250 |
193 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chloride, Spot Urine | 250 |
194 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cholesterol Total Serum | 250 |
195 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cholesterol, Fluid | 300 |
196 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cholinesterase, Serum | 1020 |
197 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chromium, 24 Hrs Urine | 4000 |
198 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chromium, EDT A Whole Blood | 4000 |
199 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chromium, Spot Urine | 4000 |
200 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chromogranin A, EDTA Plasma | 6600 |
201 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Chyle Examination, Spot Urine | 300 |
202 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Circulating lmmuno Complex (CIC) lgM Anitbodies, Serum | 3500 |
203 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Citrate, 24 Hrs Urine | 2000 |
204 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Clostridium Difficile Toxin GDH,A/B, Stool | 4000 |
205 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Clozapine, Serum | 4000 |
206 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cobalt, 24 Hrs Urine | 4000 |
207 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cobalt, EDTA Whole Blood | 4000 |
208 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cobalt, Spot Urine | 4000 |
209 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cocaine Screen, Spot Urine | 1200 |
210 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cold Agglutinin.Serum | 700 |
211 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Complement Total (CHSO), Serum | 4000 |
212 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Complete Blood Count (CBC), EDTA Whole Blood | 390 |
213 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Complete Urine Examination (CUE), Spot Urine | 200 |
214 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Coombs Test Direct, EDT A Whole Blood | 700 |
215 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Coombs Test Indirect, Serum | 700 |
216 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Copper, 24 Hrs Urine | 2000 |
217 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Copper, Serum | 1600 |
218 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Copper, Spot Urine | 2000 |
219 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cortisol (Evening ), Serum | 700 |
220 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cortisol (Morning), Serum | 700 |
221 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cortisol (Random), Serum | 700 |
222 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cortisol Free, 24 Hrs Urine | 2000 |
223 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Coxsackie Antibody lgG, Serum | 3500 |
224 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Coxsackie Antibody lgM, Serum | 3500 |
225 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | CPK (MB). Serum | 500 |
226 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | CPK Creatine Kinase. Serum | 500 |
227 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Creatinine Clearance Test. 24 Hrs Urine | 600 |
228 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Creatinine, 24 Hrs Urine | 400 |
229 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Creatinine, Fluid | 300 |
230 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Creatinine, Serum | 200 |
231 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Creatinine. Spot Urine | 300 |
232 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cryoglobulins Qualitative Test, EDT A Whole Blood | 1200 |
233 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cryptococcus Antigen, CSF | 2500 |
234 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cryptococcus Antigen, Serum | 2500 |
235 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cryptosporidium / lsospora . Identification, Stool | 600 |
236 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Crystals, Fluid | 350 |
237 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture Anaerobic | 700 |
238 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture Anaerobic Rapid , Body Fluid | 600 |
239 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity , Pleural Fluid | 550 |
240 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity – Automated/Vitek 2 | 1000 |
241 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Ascitic Fluid | 550 |
242 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Bal Fluid | 550 |
243 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Blood | 1000 |
244 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Centraline Tip | 500 |
245 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, CSF | 550 |
246 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Ear Swab | 550 |
247 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Et Tip | 550 |
248 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Eye Swab | 550 |
249 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Guided Aspirate | 550 |
250 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Nasal Swab | 550 |
251 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Pericardia! Fluid | 550 |
252 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Peritoneal Fluid | 550 |
253 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Pus | 550 |
254 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Semen | 550 |
255 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Sputum | 550 |
256 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Stool | 550 |
257 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Synovial Fluid | 550 |
258 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Throat Swab | 550 |
259 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Tissue | 550 |
260 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Tracheal Secretions | 500 |
261 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Urethral Swab | 550 |
262 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Urine | 550 |
263 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Vaginal Swab | 550 |
264 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity, Wound Swab | 550 |
265 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity.Axillary Swab | 550 |
266 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity.Catheter Tip | 550 |
267 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Culture And Sensitivity.Pleural Fluid | 550 |
268 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cyfra (Ca) 21-1, Serum | 550 |
269 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cysticercosis (Taenia Solium) Antibody lgG, CSF | 2000 |
270 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cysticercosis (Taenia Solium) Antibody lgG, Serum | 2000 |
271 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cytology Second Opinion, Slide | 500 |
272 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cytology, Block | 500 |
273 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cytology, Fluid | 500 |
274 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cytology, FNAC | 500 |
275 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cytology, Sputum | 500 |
276 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cytology, Urine | 500 |
277 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Antibodies lgG & lgM, Serum | 1600 |
278 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Antibody lgG, Serum | 900 |
279 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Antibody lgM, Serum | 900 |
280 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | D Dimer Quantitative, Sodium Citrate Plasma | 2500 |
281 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Dehydroepiandro Sterone Sulphate (DHEAS), Serum | 1500 |
282 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Serum | 2500 |
283 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Dengue (lgG & lgM) ELISA, Serum | 1800 |
284 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Dengue Antigen (NS1) Rapid, Serum | 1000 |
285 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Dengue lg G & lg M Antibody Rapid, Serum | 1000 |
286 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Dengue lgG Antibody ELISA. Serum | 900 |
287 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Dengue lgM Antibody ELISA. Serum | 900 |
288 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Dengue NS1 Ag • ELISA. Serum | 800 |
289 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Di Hydrotestosterone (DHT), Serum | 2500 |
290 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Differential Leucocyte Count (DLC), EDT A Whole Blood | 300 |
291 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Differential Leucocyte Count (DLC), Fluid | 300 |
292 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Digoxin, Serum | 1500 |
293 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Dopamine, 24 Hrs Urine | 3500 |
294 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Dopamine, Plasma | 4000 |
295 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Double Marker, Serum | 2200 |
296 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Drug Of Abuse Panel 5 Drugs, Spot Urine | 1500 |
297 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Drug Of Abuse Panel 6 Drugs, Spot Urine | 2000 |
298 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Drug Of Abuse Panel 9 Drugs, Spot Urine | 2500 |
299 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Echinococcus (Hydatid Serology) lgG, Serum | 2500 |
300 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Electrolytes, 24 Hrs Urine | 500 |
301 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Electrolytes, Dialysis Fluid | 500 |
302 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Electrolytes, Serum | 450 |
303 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Electrolytes, Spot Urine | 500 |
304 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Endomysial Antibody lgA IFA, Serum | 2600 |
305 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Entamoeba Histolytica lg G(Amoebiasis) Antibody, Serum | 2000 |
306 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Epstein-Barr Virus Antibody To Viral Capsid Antigen (VCA) lgG, Serum | 2000 |
307 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Epstein-Barr Virus Antibody To Viral Capsid Antigen (VCA) lgM, Serum | 2000 |
308 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), Citrate Whole Blood | 200 |
309 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Erythropoietin (EPO), Serum | 2500 |
310 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Estradiol (E2), Serum | 800 |
311 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Estriol Unconjugated (E3), Serum | 1000 |
312 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fac?or VII (Proconvertin) Activity, Sodium Citrate Whole Blood | 4600 |
313 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Factor II Functional, Sodium Citrate Plasma | 6600 |
314 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Factor IX (Antihemophilic B) Activity, Sodium Citrate Plasma | 3200 |
315 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Factor V (Proaccelerin) Activity, Sodium Citarte Whole Blood | 5100 |
316 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Factor VIII (Anti Haemophilic A) Activity, Sodium Citrate Whole Blood | 3200 |
317 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Factor VIII Antigen (vW-VonWillebrand), Sodium Citarte Whole Blood | 7100 |
318 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Factor X (Stuart Power) Activity, Sodium Citrate Whole Blood | 6600 |
319 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Factor XI (Rosenthal) Activity, Sodium Citrate Whole Blood | 4600 |
320 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Factor XII (Hageman) Activity, Sodium Citarte Whole Blood | 4600 |
321 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Factor XIII Activity, Sodium Citrate Whole Blood | 2500 |
322 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fat Globules, Spot Urine | 200 |
323 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Ferritin, Serum | 900 |
324 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fibrinogen (Factor-I), Sodium Citrate Plasma | 1200 |
325 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fibrinogen Degradation Product (FDP), Sodium Citrate Plasma | 1500 |
326 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Filaria (Wuchereria Bancrofti) Antibody, Serum | 1500 |
327 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Filaria (Wuchereria Bancrofti) Antigen, EDT A Whole Blood | 1500 |
328 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Folate (Folic Acid), Serum | 1000 |
329 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Folate (RBC), EDTA Whole Blood | 3000 |
330 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Serum | 600 |
331 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Food Intolerance Test. Serum | 6600 |
332 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Free Androgen Index, Serum | 4000 |
333 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fructosamine, Serum | 1200 |
334 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fructose Qualitative, Semen | 500 |
335 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fungal Culture, Body Fluid | 900 |
336 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fungal Culture, Bronchial Wash | 900 |
337 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fungal Culture, Guided Aspirate | 900 |
338 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fungal Culture, Hair | 900 |
339 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fungal Culture, Nail | 900 |
340 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fungal Culture, Pus | 900 |
341 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fungal Culture, Skin | 900 |
342 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fungal Culture, Sputum | 900 |
343 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fungal Culture, Swab | 900 |
344 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fungal Culture, Tissue | 900 |
345 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fungal Culture, Urine | 900 |
346 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Fungal Susceptibility And Mic Panel 5 Drugs | 4000 |
347 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | G6PD Quantitative, EDT A Whole Blood | 900 |
348 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | GAD-65 (Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase-65) Antibodies, Serum | 5000 |
349 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Galactomannan (Aspergillus Antigen), BAL | 6100 |
350 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Galactomannan (Aspergillus Antigen), Serum | 5000 |
351 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase(GGT ), Serum | 300 |
352 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Gastrin, Serum | 2500 |
353 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Genexpert MTB | 2500 |
354 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate), Serum | 500 |
355 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Giardia Antigen Detection.Stool | 1400 |
356 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Giemsa Stain, EDT A Whole Blood | 300 |
357 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Gliadin Antibody lgA, Serum | 3000 |
358 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Gliadin Antibody lgG, Serum | 3000 |
359 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Glomerular Basement Membrane (GBM) Antibody IFA, Serum | 2000 |
360 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Glucose Challenge Test (GCT) 75 grms Glucose, Sodium Flouride Plasma | 400 |
361 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Glucose Fasting (FBS), Sodium Flouride Plasma | 100 |
362 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Glucose Post Prandial (PPBS), Sodium Flouride Plasma | 100 |
363 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Glucose Random (RBS), Sodium Flouride Plasma | 100 |
364 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Glucose Tolerance Test (3 Samples), Sodium Flouride Plasma | 500 |
365 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Glucose Tolerance Test (5 Samples), Sodium Flouride Plasma | 600 |
366 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Glucose, Fluid | 120 |
367 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Glucose, Spot Urine | 70 |
368 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA 1C), EDT A Whole Blood | 550 |
369 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, Ascitic Fluid | 350 |
370 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, Bronchial Wash | 350 |
371 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, CSF | 350 |
372 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, ET Secretion | 350 |
373 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, Guided Aspirate | 350 |
374 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, Pericardia! Fluid | 350 |
375 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, Peritoneal Fluid | 350 |
376 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, Pleural Fluid | 350 |
377 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, Pus | 350 |
378 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, Semen | 350 |
379 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, Spot Urine | 350 |
380 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, Sputum | 350 |
381 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, Throat Swab | 350 |
382 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, Tissue | 350 |
383 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain, Wound Swab | 350 |
384 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain. Stool | 350 |
385 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain. Synovial Fluid | 350 |
386 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain. Urethral Swab | 350 |
387 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Grams Stain. Vaginal Swab | 350 |
388 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Growth Hormone (GH), Serum | 1000 |
389 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Haemoglobin-Free. Spot Urine | 600 |
390 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hanging Drop, Stool | 300 |
391 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hanta Virus lgM Antibodies, Serum | 2500 |
392 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Haptoglobin, Serum | 2500 |
393 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hb Electrophoresis- HPLC, EDTA Whole Blood | 1300 |
394 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | HCG Test. Spot Urine | 400 |
395 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | HDL Cholesterol, Serum | 300 |
396 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Heinz Bodies, EDTA Whole Blood | 400 |
397 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Helicobacter Pylori Antibodies Panel lgA & lgG, Serum | 3500 |
398 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Helicobacter Pylori Antigen , Stool | 2200 |
399 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Helicobacter Pylori lgA, Serum | 2000 |
400 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Helicobacter Pylori lgG, Serum | 2000 |
401 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Helicobacter Pylori lgM, Serum | 2000 |
402 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hemoglobin (Hb%), EDTA Whole Blood | 150 |
403 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hemoglobin, Spot Urine | 150 |
404 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hemogram, EDTA Whole Blood | 350 |
405 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hemosiderin, Spot Urine | 1500 |
406 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia,Serum | 7000 |
407 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hepatitis A Antibody (Anti-HAV) lgM, Serum | 1200 |
408 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Anti- HBC) lgM, Serum | 1200 |
409 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Anti- HBC) Total, Serum | 1200 |
410 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hepatitis B Envelope Antibody (HbeAb), Serum | 1200 |
411 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen (HbeAg ), Serum | 1200 |
412 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Total (Anti Hbs), Serum | 1200 |
413 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HbsAg) Rapid, Serum | 400 |
414 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HbsAg), Serum | 500 |
415 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hepatitis C Antibody (Anti-HCV), Serum | 700 |
416 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hepatitis C Virus Antibody (Anti HCV) Rapid, Serum | 500 |
417 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hepatitis E Antibody (Anti-HEV) lgG, Serum | 1500 |
418 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Hepatitis E Antibody (Anti-HEV) lgM, Serum | 1500 |
419 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) I – lgG, Serum | 1000 |
420 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) I – lgM, Serum | 1000 |
421 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) II – lgG, Serum | 1000 |
422 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) II -lgM, Serum | 1000 |
423 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)- I & II lgG, Serum | 2000 |
424 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Herpes Simplex Virus-1&2 lgG Antibody, CSF | 3500 |
425 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Heterophile Antibody, Serum | 1600 |
426 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | High Sensitive Reactive Protein (HS CRP), Serum | 700 |
427 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Histone Antibodies, Serum | 2200 |
428 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies Western Blot, Serum | 3000 |
429 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | HIV 1& 2 Antibodies, Serum | 600 |
430 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | HIV P-24 Antigen, Serum | 2000 |
431 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | HIVI & 2 Antibody Rapid, Serum | 450 |
432 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | HOMA – IR (Insulin Resistnce) | 1000 |
433 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Homocysteine, Serum | 1200 |
434 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | HTLV 1 and 2 virus | 4500 |
435 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | IGF Binding Protein 3 (IGFBP 3), Serum | 4000 |
436 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | IgG 4 Subclass, Serum | 5000 |
437 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Immature Platelet Fraction, EDTA whole Blood | 350 |
438 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Immunofixation Electrophoresis (IFE), Serum | 7100 |
439 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Immunofixation Electrophoresis (IFE), Urine | 8100 |
440 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Immunoglobulin IgA, Serum | 900 |
441 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Immunoglobulin IgG, CSF | 1000 |
442 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Immunoglobulin IgG, Serum | 900 |
443 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Immunoglobulin IgM, CSF | 1000 |
444 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Immunoglobulin IgM, Serum | 900 |
445 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Immunoglobulin Profile, CSF | 4000 |
446 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Immunoglobulin Profile, Serum | 2500 |
447 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | India Ink Preparation, CSF | 350 |
448 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Inhibin A, Serum | 1500 |
449 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Inhibin B, Serum | 3500 |
450 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Insulin Antibodies, Serum | 2200 |
451 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Insulin Autoantibodies, Serum | 2600 |
452 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Insulin Fasting, Serum | 900 |
453 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Insulin Like Growth Factor(IGF) 1(Somatomedin C), Serum | 2000 |
454 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Insulin Post, Serum | 900 |
455 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Insulin Random, Serum | 900 |
456 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Interleukin 6 (IL6), Serum | 2900 |
457 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Intrinsic Factor Antibody IgG, Serum | 2500 |
458 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Iron with TIBC, Serum | 750 |
459 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Iron, Serum | 400 |
460 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Islet Cell Antibody, Serum | 2500 |
461 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Jo-1 Antibody, Serum | 2300 |
462 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Kappa / Lambda Light Chains – Free, Serum | 4000 |
463 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Kappa / Lambda Light Chains – Free, Spot Urine | 4500 |
464 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Ketone Bodies, Urine | 250 |
465 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | KOH Examination, Bal Fluid | 300 |
466 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | KOH Examination, Bronchial Wash | 300 |
467 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | KOH Examination, Fluid | 300 |
468 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | KOH Examination, Hair | 300 |
469 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | KOH Examination, Nail | 300 |
470 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | KOH Examination, Pus | 300 |
471 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | KOH Examination, Skin Scrappings | 300 |
472 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | KOH Examination, Spot Urine | 300 |
473 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | KOH Examination, Sputum | 300 |
474 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | KOH Examination, Tissue | 300 |
475 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lactate Dehydrogenase(LDH), Fluid | 500 |
476 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lactate Dehydrogenase(LDH), Serum | 500 |
477 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lactate, CSF | 1500 |
478 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lactate, Sodium Fluoride Plasma | 1500 |
479 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lamotrigine Level, EDTA Plasma | 4500 |
480 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | LC-1 (Liver Cytosolic Antigen Type 1) Antibody, Serum | 3000 |
481 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | LD (Leishmania Donovani) Bodies, EDTA Whole Blood | 2000 |
482 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | LDL Cholesterol Direct, Serum | 300 |
483 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lead, 24 Hrs Urine | 3000 |
484 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lead, EDTA Whole Blood | 3000 |
485 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lead, Spot Urine | 3000 |
486 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Legionella Pneumophilia Antigen, Spot Urine | 3000 |
487 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Leishmania (Kala Azar) Antibody IgG, Serum | 2500 |
488 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Leishmania (Kala Azar) rk-39 Antibody , Serum | 800 |
489 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Leptin, Serum | 6100 |
490 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Leptospira Antibody IgG, Serum | 1500 |
491 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Leptospira Antibody IgM, Serum | 1500 |
492 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Levetiracetam, Serum | 6000 |
493 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lipase, Fluid | 500 |
494 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lipase, Serum | 500 |
495 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lipid Profile, Serum | 500 |
496 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lipoprotein A (Lp A), Serum | 1200 |
497 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lithium, Serum | 800 |
498 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Liver Function Test (LFT), Serum | 650 |
499 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Liver Kidney Microsomal (LKM) Antibody IFA, Serum | 2500 |
500 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lp-PLA2, Serum | 2200 |
501 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lupus Anticoagulant, Sodium Citrate Whole Blood | 2200 |
502 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Serum | 600 |
503 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lyme (Borrelia Burgdorferi) Antibody IgM, Serum | 2500 |
504 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lyme (Borrelia Burgdorferi)Antibody IgG, Serum | 2500 |
505 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lyme Disease (Borrelia Burgdorferi) Antibodies IgG & IgM, Serum | 4500 |
506 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Lymphocyte Subset Panel with NK cells | 7000 |
507 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Magnesium, 24 Hrs Urine | 550 |
508 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Magnesium, Serum | 500 |
509 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Magnesium, Spot Urine | 550 |
510 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Manganese, 24 Hrs Urine | 3500 |
511 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Manganese, EDTA Whole Blood | 3500 |
512 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Manganese, Spot Urine | 3500 |
513 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Mantoux Test (TB Skin Test) | 300 |
514 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Measles (Rubeola) Antibody IgG, Serum | 2000 |
515 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Measles (Rubeola) Antibody IgM, Serum | 2000 |
516 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Measles IgG Antibody,CSF | 3500 |
517 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Mercury, 24 Hrs Urine | 5100 |
518 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Mercury, Blood | 4500 |
519 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Mercury, Spot Urine | 5100 |
520 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Metanephrine Free, EDTA Plasma | 4000 |
521 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Metanephrines, 24 Hrs Urine | 3200 |
522 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Metanephrines, Spot Urine | 3500 |
523 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Meth Hemoglobin, Sodium Heparin Whole Blood | 1500 |
524 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Methadone Screen, Spot Urine | 1200 |
525 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Methamphetamine Screen, Spot Urine | 1200 |
526 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Methaqualone Screen, Spot Urine | 1200 |
527 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Methotrexate, Serum | 4000 |
528 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Methylmalonic Acid Qualitative, Spot Urine | 1000 |
529 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Methylmalonic Acid Quantitative, Spot Urine | 12000 |
530 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Mi2 Antibody,Serum | 2500 |
531 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Microalbumin Creatinine Ratio, Spot Urine | 700 |
532 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Microalbumin, 24 Hrs Urine | 500 |
533 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Microalbumin, Spot Urine | 500 |
534 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Microfilaria Detection, EDTA Whole Blood | 400 |
535 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Mitochondrial Antibody (AMA) IFA, Serum | 2200 |
536 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Modified AFB Stain, Slit-Skin Smear | 1000 |
537 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Monospot Test (Infectious Mononucleosis), Serum | 1500 |
538 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Mumps Virus Antibody IgG, Serum | 2000 |
539 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Mumps Virus Antibody IgM, Serum | 2000 |
540 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Musk (Muscle Specific Kinase) Antibody, Serum | 6600 |
541 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Mycoplasma Pneumoniae IgG Ab, Serum | 2300 |
542 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Mycoplasma Pneumoniae IgM Ab, Serum | 2300 |
543 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Myoglobin, Serum | 2000 |
544 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Myoglobin, Spot Urine | 1200 |
545 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Myositis Profile (11 Antigens), Serum | 7500 |
546 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE), Serum | 4600 |
547 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Neuronal Antobody Profile-12 Antigens (Paraneoplastic syndrome), Serum | 12000 |
548 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Neurotransmitters Panel, Plasma | 4500 |
549 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Neurotransmitters Panel, Urine | 6000 |
550 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Nickel, 24 Hrs Urine | 5100 |
551 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Nickel, Spot Urine | 5100 |
552 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Nicotine (Cotinine) – Qualitative, Urine | 1200 |
553 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Nicotine (Cotinine) – Quantitative, Serum | 1600 |
554 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Nicotine (Cotinine) – Quantitative, Urine | 1600 |
555 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Nitroprusside Test, Spot Urine | 700 |
556 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | NMDA Receptor Antibody IFA, Serum | 7600 |
557 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | NMDA Receptor Antibody IFA, Serum, CSF | 8000 |
558 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | NMO (Neuromyelitis Optica) Antibody / Aquaporin – 4 IFA, CSF | 4000 |
559 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | NMO (Neuromyelitis Optica) Antibody / Aquaporin – 4 IFA, Serum | 4000 |
560 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | NMO with MOG Antibody Profile by IFA, Serum | 7000 |
561 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | NRAS mutations (Exon-1 & 2), Block | 7500 |
562 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Nt-Pro BNP (N-Terminal Pro B Type Natriuretic Peptide), Serum | 2500 |
563 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Occult Blood, Stool | 200 |
564 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Opiates Screen, Spot Urine | 1200 |
565 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Osmolality, Serum | 800 |
566 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Osmolality, Spot Urine | 800 |
567 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Osmotic (RBC) Fragility Test, Sodium Heparin Whole Blood | 900 |
568 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | OT Swab for Aerobic Culture | 300 |
569 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Oxalate, 24 Hrs Urine | 2500 |
570 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | p-ANCA IFA, Serum | 1500 |
571 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Pap Smear, Conventional | 500 |
572 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Pap Smear, Liquid Based | 1200 |
573 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Papp-A (Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-A), Serum | 1800 |
574 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Parathyroid Hormone Intact (PTHi), Serum | 2200 |
575 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Parietal Cell Antibody (PCA), Serum | 2800 |
576 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Parvovirus B19 IgG Antibody, Serum | 2500 |
577 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Parvovirus B19 IgM Antibody, Serum | 2500 |
578 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | PAS (Periodic Acid Schiff) Stain, EDTA Whole Blood | 1000 |
579 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | PCV,EDTA Whole Blood | 200 |
580 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Peripheral Blood Smear Examination | 400 |
581 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | PH, Fluid | 200 |
582 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Phencyclidine (PCP) Screen, Spot Urine | 1200 |
583 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Phenobarbitone, Serum | 1500 |
584 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Phenytoin, Serum | 1200 |
585 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Phospholipid Antibodies Panel (IgG, IgA & IgM), Serum | 2500 |
586 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Phospholipid Antibody IgA, Serum | 1200 |
587 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Phospholipid Antibody IgG, Serum | 1200 |
588 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Phospholipid Antibody IgM, Serum | 1200 |
589 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Phosphorus, 24 Hrs Urine | 400 |
590 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Phosphorus, Serum | 250 |
591 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Phosphorus, Spot Urine | 250 |
592 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | PINP (Procollagen Type 1 Amino Terminal Propeptide) Total, Serum | 2000 |
593 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | PLA2 Receptor Antibody, Serum | 5000 |
594 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Platelet Count, EDTA Whole Blood | 250 |
595 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Pneumocystis Carinii Detection | 3200 |
596 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | PNH Confirmation Test, EDTA whole Blood | 7500 |
597 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Porphobilinogen (PBG) Quantitative, 24 Hrs Urine | 4000 |
598 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Porphobilinogen (PBG) Quantitative, Spot Urine | 1000 |
599 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Potassium, 24 Hrs Urine | 500 |
600 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Potassium, Fluid | 300 |
601 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Potassium, Serum | 300 |
602 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Potassium, Spot Urine | 300 |
603 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Prealbumin, Serum | 4000 |
604 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Procalcitonin, Serum | 3000 |
605 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Progesterone, Serum | 700 |
606 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Prolactin, Serum | 900 |
607 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Free, Serum | 1500 |
608 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Total, Serum | 850 |
609 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protein / Creatinine Ratio, 24H Urine | 500 |
610 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protein / Creatinine Ratio, Spot Urine | 400 |
611 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protein C Antigen, Sodium Citrate Whole Blood | 6100 |
612 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protein C Functional, Sodium Citrate Whole Blood | 4000 |
613 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protein ElectroPhoresis (Oligoclonal Bands), CSF) | 5600 |
614 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protein ElectroPhoresis, Serum | 1600 |
615 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protein ElectroPhoresis, Urine | 1800 |
616 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protein Total 24 Hrs. Urine. | 500 |
617 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protein Total, Body Fluids | 400 |
618 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protein Total, CSF | 400 |
619 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protein Total, Serum | 250 |
620 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protein Total, Spot Urine. | 400 |
621 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Prothrombin (Factor II ) Mutation, EDTA Whole Blood. | 6000 |
622 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | ProthrombinTime with INR, Sodium Citrate whole Blood | 350 |
623 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protien S Antigen, Sodium Citrate Whole Blood. | 7100 |
624 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protien S Functional, Sodium Citrate Whole Blood. | 4000 |
625 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Protien with Albumin, Serum | 300 |
626 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Quadruple Marker, Serum | 1900 |
627 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | RA Factor, Synovial Fluid | 850 |
628 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Rabies virus Antibody IgG, Serum | 4000 |
629 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count; EDTA Whole Blood. | 300 |
630 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Red Cell Distrbution with (RDW) EDTA Whole Blood. | 300 |
631 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Reducing Substances, Spot Urine | 200 |
632 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Reducing Substances, Stool | 200 |
633 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Renal Function Test | 550 |
634 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Renin Activity, EDTA Whole Blood | 4000 |
635 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Reticulocyte (Retic) Count EDTA Whole Blood | 300 |
636 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Rheumatoid Factor (RA) Serum | 550 |
637 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Rheumatoid Factor (RA), Synovial Fluid | 700 |
638 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Rheumatoid Factor lgA, Serum | 1600 |
639 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Rheumatoid Factor lgG Antibody, Serum | 1600 |
640 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Rheumatoid Factor lgM Antibody, Serum | 1600 |
641 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Ribosomal P Protein, Serum | 2500 |
642 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | RNP lgG Antibody, Serum | 2500 |
643 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Rotavirus Antigen, Stool | 1200 |
644 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Rubella (German Measles) Antibodies Panel lgG & lgM, Serum | 1500 |
645 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Rubella (German Measles) Antibody lgG, Serum | 900 |
646 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Rubella (German Measles) Antibody lgM, Serum | 900 |
647 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibody (ASCA) lgA & lgG, Serum | 6500 |
648 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibody (ASCA) lgA, Serum | 3500 |
649 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | SCL-70 ( Scleroderma) Antibody,Serum | 2500 |
650 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Scrub Thyphus IgM, Serum | 1200 |
651 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Selenium, 24 Hrs, Urine | 5100 |
652 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Selenium, Serum | 5100 |
653 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Selenium, Spot Urine | 5100 |
654 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Semen Analysis | 450 |
655 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Serotonin ( 5 – Hydroxy Tryptamine), Serum | 5600 |
656 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Serotonin ( 5 – Hydroxy Tryptamine), Urine | 5600 |
657 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Serum Ascites Albumin Gradient (SAAG) Serum | 500 |
658 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) Serum | 2200 |
659 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Sickle Cell Test, EDTA Whole Blod | 400 |
660 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Sirolimus ( Rapamycin), EDTA Whole Blood | 6600 |
661 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Skeletel ( Striated) Muscle Antibody (ASKA), Serum | 4500 |
662 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Smear for Malarial Parasites, EDTA Whole Blood | 300 |
663 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Smooth Muscle Antibody (ASMA) IFA, Serum | 1600 |
664 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Sodium, 24 hrs. Urine | 500 |
665 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Sodium, Fluid | 400 |
666 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Sodium, Serum | 300 |
667 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Sodium, Spot Urine | 400 |
668 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Specific Gravity, Spot Urine | 250 |
669 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Sperm DNA Framentation | 1000 |
670 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | SS-A/ Ro Antibdy, Serum | 2500 |
671 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | SS-B/ La Antibdy, Serum | 2500 |
672 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Stone Analysis | 1600 |
673 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Stool Routine Examination | 300 |
674 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | T hyroid Antibodies (TG & TPO), Serum | 2500 |
675 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | T hyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Ultrasensitive, Serum | 300 |
676 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | T hyroxine Binding Globulin (TBG) Serum | 7100 |
677 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Tacrolimus, EDTA Whole Blood | 5100 |
678 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | TB Quantiferon, Lithium Heparin Whole Blood. | 3000 |
679 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Testosterone Free, Serum | 1700 |
680 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Testosterone Total, Serum | 900 |
681 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Tetanus Toxid lgG Antibody, Serum | 4000 |
682 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Thallium, 24 Hrs Urine | 5100 |
683 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Thallium, EDTA Whole Blood | 5100 |
684 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Thallium, Spot Urine | 5100 |
685 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Thyroglobulin ( Tg), Serum | 1500 |
686 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Thyroglobulin Antibody (ATG), Serum | 1200 |
687 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody (Anti TPO), Serum | 1500 |
688 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Thyroid Profile (T3,T4,TSH), Serum | 500 |
689 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Thyroxine Total (T4). Serum | 300 |
690 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Thyroxine-Free(FT4), Serum | 600 |
691 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Tissue Transglutaminase (Ttg) Antibody lgA, Serum | 3500 |
692 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | TLC (Total Leucocyte Count), Fluid | 300 |
693 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Torch Panel lgG & lgM, Serum | 3500 |
694 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Torch Panel lgG, Serum | 2000 |
695 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Torch Panel lgM, Serum | 2000 |
696 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Total Iron binding Capacity (TIBC), Serum | 500 |
697 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Total lgE, Serum | 700 |
698 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Toxoplasma Antibodies Panel lgG & lgM, Serum | 1600 |
699 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Toxoplasma Antibody lgG, Serum | 900 |
700 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Toxoplasma Antibody lgM, Serum | 900 |
701 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Toxoplasma lgG Antibody ,CSF | 4000 |
702 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Transferrin Saturation, Serum | 700 |
703 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Transferrin, Serum | 1000 |
704 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutination (TPHA), Serum | 800 |
705 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Triglycerides , Fluid | 300 |
706 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Triglycerides,Serum | 300 |
707 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Triidothyronine Total (T3) , Serum | 300 |
708 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Triidothyronine-Free (FT3), Serum | 600 |
709 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Triple Marker, Serum | 2500 |
710 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Troponin I, Serum | 1000 |
711 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Troponin T, Serum | 1200 |
712 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Tryptase, Serum | 2500 |
713 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | TSH Receptor Antibodies (Lats TSI), Serum | 5100 |
714 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Typhi IgG & IgM , Serum | 1200 |
715 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Typhi IgM, Serum | 1000 |
716 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | U1 Rnp Antibodies, Serum | 2500 |
717 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Urea, 24 Hrs Urine | 400 |
718 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Urea, Fluid | 200 |
719 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Urea, Serum | 200 |
720 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Urea, Spot Urine | 300 |
721 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Uric Acid, 24 Hrs Urine | 400 |
722 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Uric Acid, Serum | 250 |
723 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Uric Acid, Spot Urine | 250 |
724 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Urobilinogen, Urine | 200 |
725 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Valproic Acid (Valproate), Serum | 1200 |
726 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Vancomycin, Serum | 7100 |
727 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Vanilmandelic Acid (VMA), 24 Hrs Urine | 2500 |
728 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) Antibody IgG, Serum | 2000 |
729 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) Antibody IgM, Serum | 2000 |
730 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | VDRL (RPR), CSF | 300 |
731 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | VDRL (RPR), Serum | 300 |
732 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | VGKC (LG1 and CASPR2) Antibody, CSF | 9000 |
733 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | VGKC (LG1 and CASPR2) Antibody, Serum | 9000 |
734 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Vitamin A (Retinol), Serum | 4600 |
735 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), EDTA Plasma | 4000 |
736 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin), Serum | 1000 |
737 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), EDTA WHOLE BLOOD | 4000 |
738 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), EDTA Plasma | 4600 |
739 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Serum | 4000 |
740 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Vitamin E (Tocopherol), Serum | 4600 |
741 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Vitamin K1, EDTA Plasma | 5000 |
742 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Weil Felix Test, Serum | 1500 |
743 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Widal (Slide Method), Serum | 400 |
744 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Widal (Tube Method), Serum | 500 |
745 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Zinc, 24 Hrs Urine | 2500 |
746 | LAB | BIOCHEMISTRY | Zinc, Serum | 1500 |
747 | LAB | CYTOLOGY | Cytology FNAC-Lab | 1000 |
748 | LAB | CYTOLOGY | Ultrasound Guided/ Biopsy /FNAC -Lab | 2100 |
749 | LAB | HAEMATOLOGY | Malaria Vivax & Falciparum Antigen,EDTA Whole Blo | 600 |
750 | LAB | HISTOPATHOLO | Biopsy Specimen Extra Large | 1000 |
751 | LAB | HISTOPATHOLO | Biopsy Specimen Large | 700 |
752 | LAB | HISTOPATHOLO | Biopsy Specimen Medium | 500 |
753 | LAB | HISTOPATHOLO | Biosy Specimen Smll | 400 |
754 | LAB | MOLECULAR | Covid RT PCR | 850 |
755 | LAB | SEROLOGY | AmoebicSerology IgG,Serum | 1500 |
756 | LAB | SEROLOGY | Covid Antibodies (IGA,IGG,IGM) | 3500 |
757 | LAB | SEROLOGY | Covid Antigen | 500 |
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